Tienes varias opciones... Puedes entregasela a una empresa pequenha en la que te exploten sin piedad mientras ella crece a tus expensas y se hace mediana. Puedes tener una ascendente carrera en una multinacional. Puedes estudiar y estudiar... y estudiar mas hasta que estes cansado de estudiar y entonces te dedicas a ser profesor. Puedes establecerte con tu pareja, tener hijos, comprar una casa y un carro. Puedes entregarte a las drogas, el sexo y todos estos placeres mundanos mientras mantienes tu un trabajo, estudio y una relacion. Puedes irte al Reino Unido a limpiar oficinas o manejar bicitaxis en Londres y ganar mucho dinero. Lo unico es que no puedes tener todo al tiempo.
Carrera, estudio, amor, placer, dinero... es lo que todos queremos, no?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
En que desperdiciar tu juventud...
Posted by
Alex The Blogger
4/23/2008 05:20:00 pm
1 comentarios
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Boredom... how much can you stand?
Wake up... have some breakfast, take the same bus, see the same boring people that seem not to have soul or anything inside... clock in.... same people... same clothes... same script.... "Next please.. would u like to keep the hangers"... I think I've said it 400 times so now, I don't have to think to say it.. some people come with a smile or with a story to tell... and 4 me .... is impossible not to talk to them... it takes me out of the "Boredom"... "£ 10.50 please!"... Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!.... as many times as u can.... because is England... and everything is finished.... NEXT PLEASE!!! Some people can see it from the outside and they tend to make the life in this place fun... and ... they do... THANKS.... anyway... not all the people are lke them..some ... r just another piece of the big machine... maybe without a brain or a soul.. .maybe they are a new kind of boredom-proof humans or maybe they are that boring to realise it... is time to go to the other slave-workplace....
The first thing I see... some people talking in an understandable language... I am not interested in talking to them so let's go straight to work... fortunately, the people that share my tasks are more sensible and interesting... let's have a chat hehehe..... take the phone.... say the same as always... stick the "sticker"... sweep the floor... take out the trays... change the bin... not interesting at all but is the common law here.... i ll finish this "stage" in a couple of months... i think I have learnt a few things...
Posted by
Alex The Blogger
4/19/2008 07:35:00 pm
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Old Friends
Today...I saw my friend... he is the same person that he was last time I saw him... I just remember... now I know why he is not my friend anymore... I have changed whereas he is stuck... stuck in the same words, in the same thoughts, in the same... everything... some people change, some people do not. Maybe... he deserves to be there... stuck.
Posted by
Alex The Blogger
4/16/2008 03:40:00 pm